Press release (02.04.2020)
SIGN the MANIFESTO – No to the ‘Larios Plan’ in Maro
(The signatures will be shown in order of appearence, and will be updated with regularity)
The fragile Spanish coastline is once again the target of pressure for urbanisation after the bursting of the construction bubble in the crisis of 2008. The Andalusian Coastline, and specifically the Costa del Sol, is accumulating many new development projects that threaten to reproduce another real estate and tourism bubble in the medium term.
These are cloned projects such as golf courses with their adjacent housing developments, big leisure and commercial centers, holiday apartments empty most of the year, sports marinas, and exclusive hotels that end up being "all inclusive". The whole of the Costa del Sol stands as a good example of this.
Having enjoyed a neoliberal bonanza on the whole of Costa del Sol, the focus is now on protected areas that are still free from urbanisation and speculation. These are areas of great natural, agricultural, environmental and cultural value. The case of Maro is a very good example.
‘Another Maro and Nerja is Possible’ is a citizen's platform concerned with the megaproject for a new urban development plan which the Sociedad Azucarera Larios S.L. (SALSL – formerly SALSA) hopes to carry out in the protected zone of Maro, Nerja (Malaga).
The "Plan Larios" comprises the creation of an 18 hole golf course, a housing development of 680 luxury homes and several luxury hotels - all of this in a 200 hectare area of prime agricultural land in full production and of great natural and cultural significance.
This area, property of SALSL, has been declared in part as a "Property of Cultural Interest" (Bien de Interes Cultural - BIC), and is currently protected by the PGOU of Nerja. Other protections, such as the Special Plan for the Protection of the Historical Site of Natural Beauty of Maro, the Territorial Planning of the Axarquia (POTAX), and the Plan for the Protection of the Coastline of Andalucia (PPCLA) have been annulled on formalities before the courts at the behest of Larios.
To overcome the last of these regulations SALSL intends and hopes for its projects to receive a "Declaration of Autonomic Interest" from The Junta de Andalucia in spite of its being an area of Special Protection. SALSL is also currently negotiating an agreement with the Municipal Council that hopes to exchange debts contracted with the company for the reclassification of the area.
This is why we have undertaken to campaign and collect signatures and support to stop it.
Please Sign the Manifesto - NO to "Larios Plan" in Maro
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